❄️January Musings and Offerings❄️

🎉Welcome to the New Year🎉

It has been a long, challenging year...again...and perhaps you feel as grouchy and tired as this bluebird seems to be.

Yet I often need to remind myself (and all of us) that while we cannot always change WHAT is happening, we always have the power to change how we relate to whatever is happening.

Every new year begins as a series of new moments.

Actually, every single moment is brand new and has never before been, will never be again. Same for each breath.

It is worthy to remember that life unfolds one precious moment at a time.

Our work is to attend to each moment as if it is as new and fresh and never before experienced as it really is!

This requires us to try to avoid pre-living life or succumbing to a continuation of past despair by deliberately offering some attention to what is NOT wrong rather than only attending to what seems to be wrong again/still.

This is a life's practice for sure.

A very worthy one.

Let's commit to it this year!


The Unbroken

There is a brokenness
out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness
out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.
There is a hollow space too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being.
There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open
to the place inside which is unbreakable
and whole
while learning to sing.

~ Rashani Rea

In this new year, may we all be inspired to embrace the unbrokenness in ourselves and others and sing ourselves back to life... as a gift for all beings everywhere, without exception💕🙏

Dr. David Permutter reports that a study out of England in 2013 found that a week of sleep deprivation can alter the function of 711 genes, including those involved in stress, immunity, metabolism, and inflammation. There are many more such studies that agree.

One choice can affect 700+ outcomes.

Knowing this, what will you choose?

Busy-ness, fear and worry? Or deep restorative rest?

What if time out of this busy-mindedness and speedy living is, as Thoreau says, not a waste, but actually "over and above your usual allotment"?

I deeply and respectfully invite you to Yoga Nidra.

One hour out of your day can turn off the fight/flight/freeze response and restore energy and resources to all of your restorative functions-like digestion, hormonal balance, cardiovascular health and immunity.

I continue to offer it because I know it is an essential tool in your immune, spiritual, mental and emotional healing toolbox.

I add energy work and meditation at the beginning of each yoga nidra practice to deepen your experience.

New to yoga nidra? Learn more about yoga nidra here

There are 2 virtual offerings this month and a store full of recordings on my website here

In these times, when deep and restorative rest is so hard to access for so many of us, I offer you another possibility.

Please join us!💙😴

❄️Virtual Yoga Nidra Offerings for January❄️

Community Yoga Nidra for Razz Yoga

Friday January 14

7pm EST

Register here!

Donation Based Yoga Nidra via Zoom

Sunday January 23

1 pm EST

Register here

To purchase Yoga Nidra and meditation recordings for home practice, click the button below🙏

Visit my Store

❄️Individual Guidance via Zoom❄️

This prolonged time of isolation and social distancing has taken a toll on all of us.

My individual sessions are tailored to meet you wherever you are, to offer you tools to calm and heal the nervous system and empower you to work with the traumas, both large and small, of these tumultuous times and of life in general.

Using a combination of mindfulness, energy medicine and western science, we can navigate to a place of greater ease and power.

Let's work together to remember and embrace the unbrokenness that lives within, to allow it all , the "full catastrophe", and then to use what we learn to come more fully to life


If this resonates, I'd be honored to work with you!

Click below for more information

Work with Me

❄️Here is a beautiful new poem from Amanda Gorman💕🙏

Amanda Gorman New Day's Lyric

I'm not much for the usual new year's resolutions.

But I do wish for all of us to tap into our hidden and unrealized potentials and to embrace and embody our unique gifts.

We all long for, and clearly need, inspiration and fresh ideas to create the kind, loving, sustainable, compassionate, inclusive and respectful world that we know in our hearts is possible.

Let's set a collective intention to consciously and intentionally create open space in which to be inspired and let's agree to be courageous enough to rise above the fear and false limitations that keep our inner sparks from igniting.

In this time of winter stillness, may we each rest deeply and dream into the depth of our deepest waters of creativity, light and love.

Tend the fires of possibility and begin the tender process of becoming fully and unapologetically YOU.

We all need you.

The world awaits your unique song to help sing us into a higher, kinder reality.

"...may this be the year we come together..."

and may our heart songs ripple into the world for the good of all💙

take gentle care




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